DSPP | Psychoanalytic Society
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Dallas Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology


The Dallas Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology (DSPP) is the Dallas, Texas chapter of Division 39, the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology of the American Psychological Association.

Founded in 1983, DSPP provides programming and events that promote exploring psychoanalytic theory and its applications as a basis for understanding human experience and for various forms of psychotherapy across many settings.


Our programs

 See our list of monthly meetings, seasonal workshops, and other events.

Psychoanalytic Society in Dallas, Texas

Our Upcoming Events

Becoming is better than being.
— Carol S. Dweck
DSPP & Psychology Society in Texas


DSPP is a local chapter of the Division of Psychoanalysis, Division 39, of the American Psychological Association

Founded in 1983, DSPP directs its efforts to exploring and promoting psychoanalytic theory and its applications as a basis for understanding human experience and for various forms of psychotherapy.

DSPP's members come from a number of mental health fields and include psychologists, licensed professional counsellors, social workers, physicians, and students. DSPP emphasizes the application of psychoanalytic theory to a variety of clinical and social settings.

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